Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Favorite Things in Oregon (1)

In this post I will be sharing a few of my favorite things about Oregon. As most of you probably know I moved to Oregon a few months ago. I moved here all the way from Pennsylvania on the East Coast. I didn't exactly mind moving here considering as a pastors son moving is something you get used to. Now that I am here in Oregon and almost ready to start High School I plan on staying here for a long time. The scenery here is one of the reasons I don't want to ever leave, and it is also one of my favorite things in Oregon.

At the top of this post you see three pictures, they are my three favorite scenic things in Oregon. First the mountain, I had never seen a mountain until we candidated here in Oregon. They look amazing, huge chunks of the Earth with snowy tips peircing into the clouds on the horizon. The next picture in the top is Portland Oregon. I love everything about Portland from the Train to get there to the restaraunts. My friends and I go to the Loyd Center mall every once in a while to see a movie. We just went there last friday to spend some christmas money. I enjoy living in the city area because it doesn't take hours to get to a good restaraunt or to a movie theatre like it does in many small towns that don't have them. The final picture is the coast, it is truly incredible. The beautiful blue water striking against the pale sand, I gasped when I first looked at it. Make sure you look for more posts regarding my favorite things in Oregon over the coming weeks.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Who and What?

This is my blog, for my first post I will tell you what my blog is about and who I am. My name is Will Irwin, I am a Pastors son and I enjoy writing, reading, hanging out with friends and playing with my dog Tess. I believe in God but Im a different type of believer. I believe that too much of religion turns off non believers rather than make them want to go to church. I think that if you act too judgemental or too strict with religion no one will ever want to be a believer. People think that non believers look at christians and see a "change in our hearts" but I think christianity is often viewed as boring, plain and all around not fun. My dad Tim Irwin makes church more fun by telling a joke before the sermon. Also many churches have switched to contemperary music making church a better experience for younger guests. I believe things like this that reach out to the public are what make non believers want to go to church.

As for what my blog is about, it will be filled with different things I have done the day I post or little thoughts I have like the paragraph above about my views on christianity. I'll be posting about twice a week hopefully. From time to time I will maybe review a movie I have seen or a play, this isn't really a blog dedicated to one thing as much as it is dedicated to everything I am thinking. My main goal with this blog is to open up my mind to the people I meet so they can get to know me through my various posts. Throughout my posts I will have pictures from my day to give a visual aid to the reader, hopefully this will be the only post without a picture. I will be most likely to post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so check here then. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and getting to know me in the next few months.