Saturday, September 12, 2009

Adam and Eve, the start of the world?

Up above is a depiction of Adam and Eve in their perfect world while the forbidden fruit was being consumed. This is a favorite story of many people, because this is what happened right? These two people birthed the entire world we live in today, therefore we are all related. Which would mean that the world has been practicing incest for all of time. Gross, right? But hold on one second, we have a few things to bring up that might just make this story seem a little less true.

Before you get all "oh no he didn't" on me, read on for a little while. Lets look at the Adam and Eve story in a more intellectual sense, not as something that happened, but as a depiction of something more. Lets think for a second, America is an ocean away from the area where this would have happened. I would say the garden of Eden would need to be somewhere not far from the middle east to north Africa area because that is where the book of Genesis took place. I am going to explore two points about why the Adam and Eve story is incredibly misinterpreted and why it is just a legend and nothing more.

Lets begin shall we, we should have to look at the native tribes of North America. When discovered by the east the Indians were considered savages because their society was so under-developed. So how would these people sail across the ocean and change race? Both are impossible for such people. The only group of people in America that I could think of getting enough together to sail across an ocean would be the Aztecs. They had society, invention and power that could rival Rome's. However, the Aztecs never sailed across an ocean to get to America. They did some crazy things, but not that. So how would the people of the world get spread around, and how would the entire world be re-populated after the worldwide flood that killed everyone but Noah and his pets.

How would Hawaiians have made it to Hawaii? How would animals have made it to America if the only ones that survived the flood were with Noah? Its simple, Adam and Eve weren't the only humans in the beginning, and the entire world was not flooded in Genesis. The fact is that it is impossible! I know what some people are thinking, "Nothing is impossible with God." Well, I don't think that God reached out his hand and threw sheep across the world after the flood, and I don't think that he did that with humans after Adam and Eve.

It is pretty simple, people are taking bible stories seriously that just aren't real. I think that there was a flood in Genesis, but I don't think it flooded the whole world, and I'm pretty sure Noah didn't sail to the tallest mountain on earth, because it was the only land. He just sailed to a higher elevation. And finally, if matter can not be created or destroyed then how would the world be flooded then, but be normal now? You can't take these stories seriously because they are not meant to be taken seriously. They are stories, see that word? The Bible contains an incredible amount of history, but a lot of the stuff in the bible is not meant to be thought of as really happening. It is simply a demonstration of how it happened. Like the birds and the bees. Some parents will tell you about them because you understand it better than the normal "talk." Which would people understand better, Adam, Eve and fruit, or that the world was populated by humans like it was by animals and that they discovered sin. After all, sin is a part of free will.

People just don't know what to take seriously, I believe that people take too much of the bible as actual fact, such as Revelation. People who read this seem to throw logic out the window, because dragon chased women and sealed scrolls are certainly a historical account. People think that Revelation was written to our generation, to warn us about the end. Come on people, do you really think that it was written to us, this scripture that is so old? Sure God can see the future, oh wait, I have a few things to say about that. I don't think that God knows for sure what will happen, I think he is smart and knows how things might happen. He also knows what can happen due to him making it happen, he knew that Christ would come again because he is behind it. He can control things but not know things that haven't happened. Sure, different people believe different things. So to anyone who totally disagrees with this, sorry that you don't analyze literature enough to recognise this as a truth. It comes down to common sense, if you think about it it is obvious. But then again, common sense isn't so common any more.

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