Thursday, July 23, 2009

Regarding Suicide

This is a little post regarding a tough subject, suicide. The picture above depicts something that has nothing to do with suicide, but it does have something to do with greed. That will play into this in a little while, but for now let me spread my opinions about suicide. Because in an earlier post I discussed that suicide was a permanent solution to a temporary problem, this came from one of my father's sermons.

Suicide is a horrible thing, but I would like to talk about the big thing in suicide, teen suicide. It seems that more and more teens have been killing themselves, and thousands and thousands of teens have been threatening to kill themselves. The typical term used to describe suicidal people (at least among teens now a days) is "Emo." Meaning emotional, which doesn't quite make sense because if I'm angry I'm emotional... but people don't really think about, well anything anymore.

This term has lead rise to a popular trend among teens, the Gothic look. Some people believe that the kids who dye their hair black and wear dark clothing deserve pity and need to be loved. Don't get me wrong I'm all for love but the problem is people have realized that they can get attention through these means, through pretending to be suicidal. The problem is that these posers take the spotlight off of the people who truly need help.

Lets take a moment to talk about the posers, the people who made the term "Emo" and Suicidal mean someone who wears a big frown on their face and sits in a corner in schools all day. Ive heard many times that people who are really suicidal don't usually show it to the public. You can typically spot the real from fake. The point of this entire post is simply this, why are the kids with 64 inch plasma TVs and blue ray playing computers ranting about how their lives are terrible and how they have no friends. First off, if you stopped ranting about your life being terrible you would have friends, and if you had friends you wouldn't think your life was terrible. How is raving about how no one likes you going to make people like you? Once again, people don't seem to think about anything.

My heart goes out to all of the people who's lives are truly terrible and want to kill themselves, but I still stand by the truth that kids now a days don't realize that they are just going through high school and puberty like... everyone else! So what makes them so special that it is any worse for them? I'm sure that a lot of them are truly in bad places but I hate it that as I said before the spotlight is on the people who do it all for attention. And considering that many of them have such great lives I think that their pathetic cry for attention is purely because of greed. That is why the picture is there.

Don't get me wrong, as I said before my heart goes out to all who are truthfully considering suicide. But I encourage those who fake it for attention, and all those who give those people attention to think about what you are doing. Because as I said before, you complain about your life being bad and having no friends then you won't get any friends, but if you stop you will get friends, and when you have friends you will not think your life is so terrible. it is a cycle that is easily broken.

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