Monday, July 13, 2009

Hiking Trip

July 9-10 Garth, Ben, Brandon, Dean and I went on a hiking trip at a place called Eagle Creek, a trail about ten minutes away from Multenomah Falls. We hiked to the 7.5 mile camp, camped and walked back 7.5 miles to the car. Let me explain, we hiked 7.5 miles with about 45-75 pounds of weight (depending on pack) in our backpacks and then slept under the stars, we voted to not have a tent to save time. We ate some delicious spaghetti cooked by Garth's wife Kathy. We cooked it on the little propane camp cooker we packed and ate ourselves full. For desert we had the most delicious little watermelon balls that Kathy had made using a melon baller kitchen tool. Then we went to sleep, I apparently kept brushing against peoples feet and waking them up but I slept through the night. We ate omelets in the morning (again courtesy of Kathy) and we went up the trail back to the car. After a two hour ride and a bit of panic for Garth's poor Jeep being rained on without the top we made it back to town.

The scenery was incredible, we walked behind a waterfall, across a deeper-than-average puddles and trudged our way through fields of rocks next to cliffs of doom. But it wasn't really that rough. It was at least five times longer than the longest hike I had taken (Turkey run, a 3 mile trail, Eagle creek, a 15 mile hike) but I made it through like everyone else. Coming in took a while but on the way out we hiked like champions, four stops, 7.5 miles. We had lunch at Punchbowl Falls, (a place with a waterfall and a punchbowl, with a glacier water swimming hole)we ate peanut butter and jelly sand witches and drank our flasks down to the bottom (we didn't really have flasks, we had water bottles... it was a joke.) That's that, Keep checking my blog for future posts and have a great week!

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