Thursday, April 16, 2009


"Life is a Cabaret oh chum, come to the Cabaret!"

Today I saw the play Cabaret performed by the Aloha High School Theatre Department. It was fantastic, I would say it is the best play I have seen yet. The acting was mostly good and the singing was phenomenal. If you haven't yet seen this than see it, if you don't live in aloha than fly to aloha and see it.

The story is about a writer who falls in love with a "lady-of-the-night" during the rise of the Nazi party in Germany. It takes place in Berlin mostly in the "Kit Kat Club" which is a nightclub in the city. The story looks at the lives of several different people, all in scenarios involving the main star Cliff, an American who goes to Berlin for inspiration to write.

Several youth group members were in the play including Tiffany, Alissa, Sam, Kenny, Kevin and my brother Ben.

Overall I would rate the play as I would a movie, and by using the same math.

You pay fifteen dollars at the most (if you are an adult going to a normal showing and paying at the door.) You not only get a whole Cd's worth of awesome music that will be in your head for a while, but you also get a good story and you get to support about a third of the ACOG Youth Group. Also all the money goes towards the Aloha High School. Even if you pay fifteen dollars you will still come out on top, by a fair amount too!

My overall rating would be 9.5/10, don't think I'm a pushover because the last two things I've rated have been have been high, I am actually very strict when it comes to rating.

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