Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Are we Human? Or are we Dancers? Are we Letting our Days go By?

Are we Human, or are we Dancers? What do they mean? The Killers are a great band but I can't credit them for meaningful lyrics, except for this song. At first listen you probably won't catch it, but listen to certain lines such as "Cut the Cord." What I gathered from the song was about falling into a routine life, doing the same thing over and over again. Like a dancer, but then I realized it was something more, "Cut the Cord," Refers to a puppet. That line can change the whole meaning of the song, but it isn't a universal change. The song is not about falling into a routine but instead not being yourself, or not being allowed to be yourself, to be "Human." And "Cut the Cord" means being freed. It means being freed from this forced lifestyle, some people don't even realize they are in it.

You wake up, you go to Starbucks, you work nine to five, you go home and relax, watch the days new episode of whatever cop show you watch. Go to sleep and repeat five times a week. That may sound nice, but the truth is you are getting two or three fun things in a day. Starbucks, maybe a good sale and C.S.I NY. Sure you have to work or go to school, but you need to live a little. Spend time with friends, Call a relative, Even go golfing! Anything to break away from the nine to five life that many people live. We all need to rest don't we? In the case this song portrays a boss, parent, or partner are making life hard. Not letting you be yourself.

"Let me be myself" I always found that term a little humorous. No one can let you be yourself, you are who you are and the truth is the puppet master in your life isn't that boss you are trying to impress by reading a, 1100 page book, its you making yourself read that book because you think you need to to be loved. All humans have a want for love, you do, I do, Hitler did! Everyone has a natural need for love, it is as important as food and water. But lets get back to the main point. You would impress that book worm boss of yours more if you said that you enjoyed a book with action rather than long scenes of talking leading to an unsatisfying end. He might not like you putting it in that light but he wants to see the real you. Great line from the movie Hitch with Kevin James and Will Smith, "Be you, she may not want to see it all at once but she does want to see it." What Will Smith means is being yourself will get you farther than putting on a fake face. This next song by The Talking Heads is called Once in a Lifetime.

In this song it deals more with what I though Human did. About falling into a Routine. Letting your days go by can ruin your life, but the worst part is you won't notice until you have already lost too much time. We are only on this little blue rock spinning around the big yellow light once, and if you don't live it to the fullest then what is the point of living it?

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