Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our need to be Loved

As Humans, we have a need to be loved. No child would be the same without the love of a parent, no pet would be the same without the love of an owner. If someone who is important to you tells you that they don't love you it can affect you in a very negative way. If they were serious of course, sometimes its a joke and sometimes it is serious. One excellent example would be Boo Radley from To Kill a Mockingbird. As explained to scout, Boo was locked in his house mentally, he wasn't chained to a bed but he was beaten down with words. My teacher and I discussed it and we decided that Boo must have been told many times by his parents, the ones who he needed love from the most, that nobody loved him and that he was hated by all. They would tell him about the rumours that he was a bloodthirsty monster, he thought the world hated him so why would he hurt others by going outside and being in their presence. All because he was physiologically abused by his parents.

Everyone needs loved, lack of it can destroy you. Many people commit suicide because they feel that they have no one, but as my dad said in one of his sermons, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. There is someone on earth who loves you, no matter what society tells you. If you treat someone as a friend, spend an hour with them and give them your number, they will eventually call you up to spend another hour with them. Just as when someone leaves food out for a stray cat the cat will come back. Cats need food, we need love, being friendly to people is showing them love. A smile could save a life, showing someone who is seriously considering suicide love could change their entire life. All it takes is a smile, or a friendly gesture. We show each other love everyday, so please don't stop, it is as necessary to human life as water and shelter. Even Stalin, Hitler and Saddam Hussein need love, other things can factor in such as mental instability and other things, but maybe if someone would have shown Cho some love he wouldn't have killed so many in Virginia Tech. Maybe if someone would have shown Hitler some love he wouldn't have been inspired to gain power by killing. But then again people can be insane, it is very possible that Hitler would have done the same thing as he did if he had been shown more love. But the chance is always worth it, you could change a life and not even realize it.

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