Friday, July 24, 2009

Rich or poor, how does it change you're life?

How does money change you're life? Or does it change you're life? I believe that it does change things very much. The more green you have the more opportunities you have, right? I think it makes sense, but look at it differently, its not about more, its about different circumstances. If you are rich you will have the opportunity to buy a nice Bentley, if you aren't you might not have that chance. If you are middle class or poor you will still have the opportunity to buy a car, just a different car. But what is better, a Bentley or a truck? A Lamborghini or a sedan? A viper or a minivan? The truth is you put the same gas into it and you push the little pedals and it goes to 80 miles per hour in 5-15 seconds depending on the car. My view on it is simple, if it can drive I'll take it. Its nice being able to drive some car that makes people turn their heads, but ultimately the main thing about sports cars is their speed and going at the speeds will most likely get you crashed into a truck, and viper vs. ford truck doesn't sound like a fair fight (kind of like rocky vs. that Russian on steroids,) the truck would tear right through you, or you would ram into the back because you are traveling at star trek hyperspace speeds.

Lets move onto houses, a mansion has a roof, same as a shack, isn't that what having a house is all about? If you can have a room and a bed its no different depending on how many there are. I like a nice four bedroom house, with heat and a.c. That isn't that hard to get is it? Sure it will probably still run you more than you could dream of making on any game show but people have handled the costs for decades before us. If you get a big house then you need to get big locks, then you need to get a security system, and then you will realize "Oh shoot, I have two kids, a wife and 45 bedrooms..." If you have a fortune of money and you want a fast car and a house that takes as much power as Manhattan in New York then more power to ya, but come on people, the rich lifestyle isn't what we fantasise about. Its great I'm sure but I believe that a man with 1 dollar and a man with a thousand dollars can both change the world in their own ways. "The goal is not to live forever, but instead to make something that will" Anyone can change the world, every day you get another opportunity, whether it be change the hearts of a nation or the heart of a man, you have still changed the world for the better.

There are two sides of being rich, the trust fund babies and those who earned it. Bill Gates deserves to be rich, he created windows which was incredible. But the trust fund babies don't usually deserve the money, it often spoils them. Not to be to general but that is in my opinion a truthful statement. Another thing I would like to talk about is privilege, for instance, taxing rich people more than middle class people. Taking money away from some of the best people on earth who created groundbreaking technology to help someone who got fired and never bothered to find another job and move out of their parents basement. No matter the circumstance you cannot tax due to privilege, sure rich people have money to spare but that money often goes into businesses, which drives the economy of a country, which lets people invest in those businesses and make money which furthers the economy of a country.

I won't tip toe around this subject like some others, the fact of the matter is rich people are like seeds. and their money is like rain that blooms a good economy. People often dislike the rich because they are jealous of them, but as I presented you can still live a fulfilling life, so why bog it down with envy and hate? You may not like their attitudes (if they have bad attitudes) but this is another issue that people simply do not think about. Just think, that is all I ask. The entire goal of this blog is to get people to think, sometimes about funny things or interesting things, but often about real world issues. God gave you that little round grey thing that looks like a wrinkly fat rat for a reason! It is for thinking, it is always good to take a moment to sit and think about the world, so many issues could be solved through thinking. I won't deny it, I often feel envy towards the rich, but please give them a break, they really do help the world for the better.

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