Sunday, August 30, 2009

Racism Post Three

Wrap things up

Above is the movie cover for Miracle at St Anna. A movie that I thought was good, but I'm going to pick on it a little bit to prove a final point.

Lets begin shall we? I have talked about To kill a Mockingbird quite a bit in my blog, but this is the best use of it that I can think of. I think that book was a golden piece of literature, it displayed racism without making the south out to be bad, and without making whites out to be bad. Sure Maycomb County was pretty racist but unlike movies or stories about modern times it actually fit the year. I respect Harper Lee greatly for her work on that book. Spike Lee however I don't respect. Because in order to make a point about racism he had to make white Americans out to be disgusting jerks that wouldn't even consider treating a black man like a human. True for some, but not for all. There was not one white male American in this film that was not extremely racist. But every one thing that surprised me was that the African American soldiers weren't made out to be saints either. So he got it half way. But still, in fighting racism the movie became racist. Not terribly, but the simple fact of the matter is that not all white male Americans are bad people. There are bad people everywhere, so why peg them out to be that bad guys?

The picture I used to illustrate the first post on this subject had African American men cleaning up racist messages on a wall. All of them were white supremacist messages. That is where I draw the line, making one side out to be heroes and the other out to be monsters. You aren't fighting racism, you are changing it. Perhaps they don't care, because shifting racism would put them on top. Or, as I believe, maybe the group that made that picture is just ignorant. I will not deny that whites have treated blacks terribly in history, but blacks have treated whites bad as well. That is my whole point, that no side is perfect, that in the end we were and are both in the wrong. If everyone recognised that the world would be a much better place.

Maybe if everyone realized that everyone has suffered then everyone would be able to understand each other better. Just because I am white and from Georgia does not mean you know the slightest bit about what I go through, but just because you are black does not mean that I know about what you have gone through either. So please, see people as people, and stop telling yourself that you go through any more or any less then other people, you might, but that's not because of your race. Its because of your mindset, and the mindset of others. The "N" word does not mean a black person, it means ignorance, and slaves were called that because they were ignorant to our society. It, like many other things, has been perverted from a word to a swear, but if people went by its true meaning, then the world would be full of them. The simple fact that they try so hard not to offend makes them one. The fact that they see people differently by race means that they are one. I am glad I wrote these three posts, and if they offend you then I'm sorry. But that isn't for what I have written, It means I am sorry for you. Because you can not recognise the fact that I want the world to see people for their actions not for their race.

I end on this note, Every man is born equal, its what they do after that that sets them apart. That is from Glenn Beck's book, An Inconvenient Book. I agree with it 100%. That doesn't mean that I am racist because I may not see one man as equal to the other, it means that I see people for their actions. Not for the color of their skin.

1 comment:

  1. I believe if the stereotypes ended, it would be a lot more easier to combat racism. Some people think that all black people are on welfare and they do illegal things and such which is far from the truth. I wish that some races would stop thinking that they are better than everyone else because no one on Earth is perfect. Some believe that racism/sexism came from the bible but I have't yet seen the racism. Sexism, maybe but not racism. Sexism is a little easier to deal with because women as a whole are coming together to make more break throughs within their societies. I really wish that people would stop being blind by racism and stop feeding the posion to the children of America. Racist people aren't born, they're created. Once you stop the process, it could slowly end and everyone can really be equal. It's time for people to push for a cause that is really an issue within our own countries. Before you can help other people, you have to get yourself and people around you in order first. I think that once people let go of the past, everyone can go to the future together...and equally.
