Friday, August 28, 2009

Rome wasn't built in a day, but the sandwich was.

Think for a second, what if Rome was built in a day? It would have been amazing, such a famous city, but for it to be good it would have needed careful planning. I heard a friends say once that a bike ramp he had built wasn't good because it was made quickly, it seemed fine to me. That made me think, why can't the world change in a minute, and has it ever?
Think about this, If you ask people where Rome is on a blank globe they wouldn't know, but if you ask them what a sandwich is they will know immediately. Rome, one of the most incredible cities in the world, is less famous then meat stuffed between two slices of bread. Is that a bad thing? I don't think so, because it proves that the world can change in an instant. The second that card player asked for meat between bread to keep his hands clean the world changed. Just like the instant where the chocolate chunk cookie was accidentally made. This proves that anyone can change the world, that card player wasn't famous, neither was the toll house cookie shop.
People act like the world is how it is, the seek out normal lives like they can't change something. They can't invent something, they can't gain peoples respect. They can't leave their comfort zones to try and make something new. But that is completely untrue, anyone has the means necessary to change the world, we all have a voice, that's all we need. We all have minds, that's all we need. Never tell yourself that you aren't good enough, because you are.

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