Sunday, August 9, 2009

Smart Stress

When I think of stress, I typically think of a soap bubble floating around, the slightest bit of contact with anything will make it burst, and over time even the friction of the air will eventually make it burst no matter what. But it doesn't have to be like that, letting out the stress can be a lifesaver. Not taking time to de-stress is about as smart as the French Military trying to battle against an amateur paintball team. They would obviously fail, so why not stop and think about it? But then again, who am I kidding? Its not like France has an army.

But lets not steer away from the topic of stress, France is another topic for another time. Back to stress, In my mind there are three types of stress, Anger, Depression, and Sickness. Shall we start?


Anger, being angry, not a good thing. When you are angry or frustrated it shows, and it effects everyone around you. But it is truly a pointless act. I of course never get angry, but we can't all be perfect. That was of course a joke, I get angry as much as the next guy, but I can recognise how anger is a pointless thing. What happens when you stomp around screaming and whining, or when you break something. What do you gain other than lost time and lost whatever you broke. Every second you spend in anger is a second that whatever made you angry has power over you. If you are getting mad because your closet wont fit an extra pair of shoes then congratulations, a closet has power over you. Just don't let stress get to you.


Depression is a sort of "meh" subject for me. Its a complicated thing with two sides, medicated and counseled depression. Don't get offended by my next statement because it is simply an opinion, and do you want an opinion to have power over you? I believe that medicated depression is a lot less trustworthy than counseled, a counselor can help you with depression, but just because you are sad does not mean you need to pop a few pills. I believe that depression medication has some good intentions but like those little daily vitamins they simply feed off of peoples paranoia. I'm sure that the meds help some people but mostly its just I'm sad I need a doctor. That is the kind of depression that I think people manufacture. Paranoia sales is one of the smartest ways to make money, mean, but smart. The thing about depression meds is that they think it works because of a few changed signs in the brain, whoopdy doo! The brain holds so much in so little space that a changed sign could mean ANYTHING. So because there is one that means the magic happy pill works. Believe what you want but my opinion is that if a counselor can't help you a pill cant.


Ah, here we go, lets get into the final part of stress. Sickness, stress is proven to be able to give you a stomach ulcer. This is much more concrete than the "magic pill's brain wave," Because it has been tested, several different times, with rats and humans. Rats were once put in a cage with other rats in unhappy conditions and eventually they all had stomach ulcers and died, that birthed the idea of "stress." Stress can do things anywhere from making you throw up to destroying your stomach. This is really the one bit of stress that I buy into.


I believe that stress is a much manufactured term that has been perverted from real physical things to "I yelled, it wasn't my fault! I'm stressed!" People like to have things to blame, stress is one of them. You get mad, its because you are mad, not because of stress. No magic pill will cheer you up, and you can't just blame living life for your mistakes. Everyone goes through frustrating situations, and everyone gets angry, but that doesn't mean that it is the worlds fault, it is theirs for not handling in a health way.

So, that's it. Everyone gets mad, it doesn't make you bad. But stress is the physical things that happen due to bad situations. I believe the rest is just in your head, because we can control anger, but you cant pick when you will have a stomach ulcer. That is my pure reasoning why I think that stress is simply peoples way of blaming others, congratulations, you spilled hot coffee on yourself at work, you screamed at your friend when she tried to help you, while that was happening someone was shot, and they handled it better. You go ahead and whine because you stubbed your toe, when Jesus Christ was tortured and crucified, and he handled it better. This anger caused by "stress" is just a part of our spoiled society. Because if Jesus can handle torture better than you can handle a rough day at work then there is something very wrong with the world. Sure this may sound quite harsh but it is truth, we live the best lives possible in America, we can call up pizza or watch a movie with the press of a button, we have the Internet, which is the whole world at our fingertips when our world could be no more than a room in a house. So we take bad situations in a worse way then someone who lives a rough life. I know I have an incredible life, and I know that I often don't take anger well. But that can change for everyone if people would realize how easy we have it here.

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