Sunday, August 30, 2009

Racism Post Two

Fear of Racism

Oh no, its a picture of Obama, this is clearly going to be an offensive post! Nope, I will try to not slip my views on our president into this post, simply his race and how it effected America.

I heard something very sad the other day, I heard someone say that he believed that if he did not vote for Obama that people would think he was racist. You know how I feel about that? I feel like every single person who felt that way should not have been allowed to vote. How is it fair to gain voted due to fear of racism? That isn't the biggest reason he won of course, but I will say that it is ridiculous that that ran through Antone's mind.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for change. Just not the change he's selling, I mean a change in racial ignorance. That is the change I am looking forward to. Sadly however people flock to ignorance like bees to flowers, it is almost a worldwide tradition. You will hear me talk about how if people just thought the world could be a better place, well this is it. I am challenging everyone who reads this to think about racism for a second, to recognise ignorance and exterminate it. (I mean in their own lives, not by killing people who are ignorant) I'm sure that a lot of people are reading this because I told them how to find my blog, I did that because they are people that I want to show my thoughts. They are people that I know have good Head's on their shoulder's. So if you are one of them, then I simply challenge you to take in my writing and think about it.

My problem is that people are so wrapped up in not being racist that they end up being biased, and also being a little racist towards people who they see as having been racist in the past. Most often it isn't racism though, its generalization, which I believe is just as bad, no worse and no better than racism. For instance, Michael in NBC's The Office is a boss who tries so hard not to be racist that he ends up being biased and giving colored people special privileges. He also shows a large amount of racial ignorance, Steve Carell is not this way but Michael is. People see his behavior as ridiculous, but they then go and do the same thing. Hmm, do I feel another rant coming on? I will shorten this one up a bit, hypocrisy, racism and generalization are all bad things. And they are all things that everyone struggles with. Except me. Just a word to all readers who just got offended, that was a joke, but I forgot two important things, if they weren't smart enough to understand my use of italics then they probably wouldn't be reading this far into my post, and secondly I don't have any readers. Back to that however, it is pretty easy to stop the cycle of racism-generalization-hypocrisy. It is simply by stopping. Stop generalizing. that's it. Stop being racist, that's it. I would ask the world to stop being ignorant but that would be like asking a brick wall to walk across the room. I doubt I can change the worlds ignorance, but if I can change one persons then all of this writing will be worth it. However the cycle is something I believe I could help stop, because the work has been done for me. I don't need to stop racism, I need to stop people from going from one extreme to the other.

This basically wraps up the topic of racism, but I have one more thought on it that is burning up inside my head, so I will finish up by writing it.

Check out the next post, Racism Post Three

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree with you. I really wish that people would push aside their ignorant minds and just look at the world with pure eyes. I find it very annoying how people viewed the presidential election. I really wished that people would have went about the results a little more mature than they did instead of going around screaming "My President is black!!" Well, obviously he is black, and they only thing that those people did was prove that they aren't color blind (DUH lol). I just wish that people could see that racism is corrupting the meaning of America. Our country was suppose to be based on people being free, being able to escape the oppression and religious restrictions from their other countries. American has turned into a country of competition of the different races. If our country is so cultural and sometimes called "the melting pot" to reflect each race within America, then how come you can easily separate each race? Wishing that racism would end would be like finding a solution to serious world peace. It has to be in the heart of each person and I feel that it would take a lot of work to get that message though. All in all, if you can influence a few people, then continue working to influence the world. Very well written blog :)
